The Dutch Rescue Team consists of 5 members living spread over The Netherlands, all being autonomous robot hobbyists.
Our combined skills:
- mechanical
- electronics
- 3D print design
- robotics
- programming
Per team member, per skill, the experience varies both in time (0 to +20 years) and level (novice to expert). As mentioned in the previous blog, none of us has OpenCV skills, but we’re all eager to acquire those. Further we have many knowledgeable contacts in The Netherlands and Belgium able and willing to advise us and review our designs.
Team is so abstract ...
You will probably not see all our faces online, but if admitted all five of us will be present at Pi Wars 2024 to get to know many other attendees.
A few of us during an online meeting on Pi Wars.
Other facts
- We’re not living close to each other.
- Physical meetings will be limited to approximately once per month.
- Where online meetings are more frequent.
- Every team member has the option to build the DRT robot to own.
- As a result, 3 the same robots are built with the same components and will be running the same code.
- Having the three robot instances also increases testing capacity.
- Most coding and testing will be done at home.
- Our physical meetings are mostly used for discussions, demo and diagnosing together.
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